What We Do

Hey there! Welcome to our service. We aim to help students planning to study abroad. We aim to make the entire process as smooth and hassle-free as possible.
When you sign up with us, here are some of the services we offer:

We guide course selection and credit transfer for your degree program. We can recommend relevant courses based on your major, interests, and future career goals. We will help you choose courses that fulfil credit requirements for your degree back home.

We assist with the entire student visa application process. This includes reviewing your documents, helping you prepare for the interview, and providing guidance on the visa requirements. Our team has experience dealing with visa applications and common issues that arise.

Before you leave for your study abroad program, we can help you arrange accommodation, prepare a budget, obtain necessary documents and vaccinations, and give tips for a smooth transition. We provide checklists, timelines and connect you with resources at your university.

We’ll have a friendly face waiting for you at the airport to take you to your new home.

We’ll help you find the perfect student housing option based on your budget and preferences. We can assist if you want to live in a dorm, apartment, or homestay.

We maintain connections with local businesses that hire international students and can help match you with opportunities that work with your schedule.

All of our services are free of charge for the student. We aim to help you focus on your studies and maximize your time abroad by handling the logistics and details.
We aim to make this an exciting experience for you by handling the hassles. If you have any questions about our services or need help getting started, feel free to reach out, and we’d be happy to assist. We wish you all the best in your academic journey abroad!